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Your choice of a 6 Pack or 9 Pack of ultra realistic 12ga Snap Caps in the color of your choice!


  • B's Dry Fire Snap Caps perfectly mimic the fit, form, function, weight, and balance of live 12ga rounds, but without any of the risk of injury during practice


  • All 12ga rounds have our "B's Dummy's" stamp to further differentiate them from live rounds. Stamp color may vary between white / gold / black.  EXAMPLE:  You could get Orange with a black stamp, or Orange with a white stamp, etc. 


  • Color choices are just personal preference.  Brass heights are different between the colors.  Just choose what looks best to you, making sure that they are a different color than your live rounds. For more info, see our FAQ


  • Great for those that are new to firearms and veterans alike for practicing loading form, technique, speed, and safety while using 12 gauge shotguns


  • Specifically designed for "dry firing", our bright white primer perfectly cushions your firing pin, and also helps you determine exactly where and if it is striking


  • Great for simulating failure to fire drills at the shooting range, as well as function testing after repairs / disassembly / reassembly of your weapon


  • Unmatched durability, smooth performance, and easily identifiable


  • The best customer service in any industry. Simply contact us if you have an issue and we'll work with you promptly and professionally. We've never encountered an issue that we haven't been able to work out with a customer when they ask for help!


  • Made with pride in the USA to strict quality standards







  • All colors listed here except green are 2-3/4" caps


  • Technically, though its not a large difference, the longest of our 2-3/4" caps is the Baby Blue (due to its crimp style).


NOTE #2 (For picky sons of bisquits):


  • ACTUAL length of our 2-3/4" caps is approximately 2-1/4".


  • Likewise, ACTUAL length of our 3" caps is approximately 2-1/2". Notice the 1/2" difference on both? The green for example (available as a 6 pack) is a 3" cap, HOWEVER it will rack just fine in a shotgun chambered for 2-3/4" because the actual total length is approximately 2-1/2". Since its a dummy round, it never expands to its full length like a live round would. You should not however get comfortable with the idea that 3" rounds belong in your shotgun that is chambered for 2-3/4"! A LIVE ROUND that is 3" is actually between 2-1/2" and 2-3/4" in total length (depending on crimp style and manufacturer). When it expands, it becomes 3" in total length, hence if you use such a round in a 2-3/4" chambered shotgun, it creates a safety hazard! "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"


  • To read more about why this industry standard practice of "advertised vs actual length" is the case (for those fussy about the total length), either do an internet search on the subject, or simply review the section in our FAQ titled "You said your 12ga caps were 2-3/4", but they aren't! You dirty, rotten...".


B's Dry Fire Snap Caps - 12 Gauge

$32.99 Regular Price
$29.99Sale Price

    B’s Dry Fire Snap Caps are the best looking, longest lasting, and best value in Snap Caps, period!  Snap Caps are a great way to safely train you and your loved ones in the safe operation of your firearms. The repeated “exercising” you get by practicing perfect loading form helps to develop “muscle memory”. This is key in not only consistently handling your firearm in the proper manner, but also trains you to be able to react properly in a self defense situation.


    Each cap is carefully assembled in the USA.  Consistent quality and attention to detail in each cap is our number one priority.  These caps are weighted to feel exactly like real rounds, but are differentiated by their bright white “primer”.  These are the most durable snap caps available anywhere.  They aren’t made of brittle plastic that will eventually (or rather quickly) chip and crack, and they will not shed pieces of metal inside your firearm.  Caution should be exercised in the choosing of your color. 


    Never purchase snap caps that are the same color as your real ammunition!


    If you have an issue with our product, and you'd like your money back, we have no problem giving you a full refund within 30 days upon your completed return (you pay for return shipping unless its our fault).   We would ask however that you first give us a chance to assist you.   Most problems can be solved or worked out simply by contacting us and asking for help.  We reply back really quick, we promise!    We have never, NEVER  had an issue that we couldn't resolve with a customer that was willing to ask for help. ​​​​​​​


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